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April 08, 2006


Mike Masnick

Hmm. I understand all of this, and don't doubt any of it... but the thing that *no one* has yet explained to me is who are the people complaining that Craigslist and eBay aren't open enough? What's the *pain* being solved?

I certainly like the idea of more open systems that allow service providers to compete on the basis of open data, but the equation that's still being missed is why people are going to jump on this system.

From your post above, about the only thing I can figure out is that it makes more sense for them *if* other providers also work off of this data. In other words, the power of Edgeio isn't in Edgeio, but in the fact that if Edgeio competitors come along there will be competition to offer better services off of the data? We've noted on Techdirt that there are a few such companies that see to be coming up, but we still haven't seen any indication that people are so upset with their eBay/Craigslist experience that they're jumping on alternatives.

I guess I'm still waiting to see the pain point. Keith has told me what he believes the pain point is, but I haven't seen an upswell of people who have that pain point.

nick gogerty

Both Craigslist and Ebay push out RSS feeds.

Jonathan Boutelle

Edgeio is a neat idea. However, I can't imagine posting a classified listing on my blog. It's just not what my readers are looking for.

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